For all my wallpaper submissions here at wincustomize.
thanks to all my friends
Published on April 7, 2008 By homeryulo In Skinning
To all my freinds, Adni18, Kenwas, Cyberworld et. al.  thank you for all the support.   Keep it up everyone! 

on Apr 07, 2008
Whats happening Homer where you going?

on Apr 07, 2008
Well, assuming that whatever's contributed to your decision to leave is a positive thing, I wish you the best, mate. Now my wallpapers have a chance. *g*

But if there's something that could be fixed, remedied, discussed, you'd let us (me?) know, right?

In any case: Your work brought exceptional talent and skill to the galleries and I'm rather disheartened to see you go.

Thanks for sharing the work you did, with us.
on Apr 07, 2008
Why are you leaving?

on Apr 07, 2008
This does not sound right. I hope you are ok. That is #1. If you leave so be it but please let us know you are ok. ok?
on Apr 07, 2008
Whats up Homeryulo? Hope everything is OK!
on Apr 07, 2008
Some folks dont feel the need to explain some things.. for a variety of reasons..

I enjoyed your work man.. wish u the best in whatever awaits you.
on Apr 07, 2008
Very sad!
Looks like his DA gallery has been pruned as well. Bilog was a classic and I'm glad I have it archived!
You'll be missed indeed.
on Apr 07, 2008
....for whatever reason you are leaving.......hope to see you back again one day.......
all my best.
on Apr 07, 2008

Thank you for sharing your talent and creativity wishes in whatever you do, where ever life takes you.
on Apr 07, 2008
We hope you are able to come back one day!