For all my wallpaper submissions here at wincustomize.
wincustomize needs it badly
Published on April 8, 2006 By homeryulo In WinCustomize Site Issues
another disappointment from me....I was excited submitting my new work "Samurai" and had nice grade (8) from fair administrators but after a while it only averaged 5 from members. I think the rating system has a bit of politics here. No wonder talented folks is leaving this site. Dont get me wrong...I respect your opinions but 8 to 5 is a bit strange isnt it. Well its okey for now, I have deleted my work already so dont bother. If you want to see it, just visit this link and leave responsible comments.

Thank you! Oh and yeah! This site badly needs a new rating system.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 09, 2006
homeryulo, it sad to hear you withdrew (deleted) your wall. I think your wallpapers are some of the best around in that style and I have admired your work for some time. It would be nice to see more of it (your walls) around.

As for the rating system, I said this not to long ago, it sucks at times... but no matter what is done people are going to complain... its just the nature of a rating system in general. "You can never make everyone happy." I have my probs and complaints too, I think we all do in some way. But, at the same time, so what... its just a number. Take my last suite of skins... its good work (2 months worth), original and very different... but because its not mainstream, highly sought after/accepted and the color is so odd it didn't get very good ratings overall. I don't really care a whole lot, I expected as much as it doesn't appeal to a large group (just probably a few like myself who would like to see something other than the normal mainstreamed, "dime a dozen" skins all the time).

It's all good though, rate the things anyway you want and accept the ratings given. It doesn't really mean a whole lot in the long run. As others have said... "I have low rated things with more downloads than highly rated things and vise versa." I personally have skins/uploads with the same thing going on. Homeryulo, your work is good man, don't let the ratings bother you so much
on Apr 09, 2006
Ok, so I don't have a lot of stuff submitted. But I do have two skins. I think the first one I submitted sucks. I admit, it was truly a first-timers submittion. My second skin, well I worked hard and don't have the experience that some have in quick design with Adobe or Corel. I use GIMP and a lot of close-up pixel-ing. I am currently working on two skins, one to match an existing Litestep by Immortal&Bates and one for my own fancy.

I don't think it's worth the trouble to worry about what rating a submittion gets. I pay attention to how many downloads have been made, and I am quite happy with that.

I have noticed that even when an oold-school skinner like essorant (just an example of name) submits what he admits as being nothing special, the ratings are still heavenly high.

All I really want to do is share my creations with others. A good word from a fellow WC member is nice, but not necessary. Ratings above a 6 might be nice. 100's of 1000's of downloads would be even greater pleasure. But all I want to do is share, trade secrets and learn new technique.

Every few months I see someone getting twisted over the rating system. I wanna know what the big deal about it is? Is there some reward I am missing out on, besides the satisfaction of actually completing a creation and submitting?

I am not trying to minimalize homeryulo's feelings. Nor anyone else to whom the rating system fails to satisfy.

A few months ago, it was the comments of a few stray chuckleheads that caused a bruh-haha. And just recently, scion feels that same prickishness coming at him in comments.

There are some in the community that submit so much that I don't see how ratings can be a motivation. Some names you'll see daily with icons, walls, etc. and most of the uploads are not up to the author own standards.

So, I ask: what IS the deal with ratings? Is it that important if already you feel that the ratings are politically motivated? Who is running for office? Is it a race for moderator status? Is it a race for Status?? Who has the most downloads? Look back a few years and look at what numbers there are to beat.

If you know that your work(s) are good, live with that. You don't need 5 million other people to tell you that you've accomplished something grand, when you create for your own satisfaction.

Head up, homer. Joke 'em if they can't take a (@)uck. Just don't add fuel to the fire by showing that you care so much about what others think. Not to say that I don't. Just so the reader knows: I care only when it's the good words I read. All the negative gets a nice flush down the "I didn't even see that" chute.

So, good luck with the ratings. Happy skinning!
on Apr 09, 2006
One of the reasons for uploading ones work To WC is to have it seen by others and to have it looked at by your peers. To have others guide you and help you to make better skins. I have yet to see any one give another person advice on how to make some ones work better. About the only time any one bothers to leave comments is to praise the top skinners. Every one says the ratings don't mean any thing. Well then I ask you why have them then? The only purpose they seem to have is to bolster the egos of the top skinners. And I don't see how the ratings can be fair when you have some people moderating skins and walls that don't even know how to skin. How can they rate any thing fairly when they don't even know what it takes to make a skin. In case the administrators and mods at WC haven't noticed the number of skins made each month are dropping. I have said it before and I'll say it again.. People have feelings and when you step on their feelings they get upset and make their feelings know by posting articles . Why should any spend hours making a skin or wall upload it to WC and ask for comments on their work only to receive a rating that will keep the majority of people from seeing it. A lot of people are real good at telling others how bad their work is or giving a low rating to some one, To bad that there isn't as many willing to help others out. Well I know the ratings are here to stay. I also know that the ratings have been unfair and will always be unfair as long as you have people rating the skins by who you are instead of how well your work looks and works.
on Apr 09, 2006
I have seen many times constructive comments have been made on first time WB skins. And of course the idiots get their shots in too, but it should be fairly obvious that they are just that...idiotic comments of no value.
My guess is that the ones who complain about the low ratings of their skins aren't looking for constructive coments to guide them and help them make better skins. They are just looking for a ton of "Awesome","Amazing as always", "Great work as usual" type of comments. "In my opinion".
Like it or not, many many people rate by the look of the preview and the name of the creator. Comments like "This looks great, 5 stars. I'll download it when I get home" on a skin happen far too often. But that's the way it is. Asking for fair, honest unbiased ratings and comments from everybody might as well be like asking for "World Peace".
Sounds wonderful, but it's not going to happen.
on Apr 09, 2006
I believe that in order to rate a skin, you need to first download it, not just LOOK at it, or judge it on the screen shot (unless it’s a wall paper or screen shot, and why would you rate a screen shot??). Widgets, WB skins, and lots of other skins have a LOT in them you can’t see in a screen shot.

Also, I think that if you want to rate a skin it should show your nick as well as your rating. This way people that are trying to gain favor with people will be very easy to spot, so will the people that are haters; IE: those that are here to cause problems.

This way you cant do drive-by ratings and rate EVERYTHING on the site, you would have to take the time to at least download the skin first. I think the rating system would be much better served if everyone could see who was rating them. It should be required to post a comment when you rate something.

I know this has been talked about before with people that post on EVERY skin, and rate EVERY skin, but with their name & comment shown, it would be obvious who (if any) are sucking up and who (if any) are the haters.

Again, just my ideas.
on Apr 09, 2006
Why rate skins at all?

If they did away with it, what would be the downside?

Just asking....
on Apr 09, 2006
Peoples tastes vary so much that it is inane to get hung up on the ratings system here. The only area where I do think there is need for a change is the structure that only allows members to see work not rated 8 or higher. For those who say to pay more attention to the download count, well it won't be much if the work is rated below 8 and can't be seen by the general public. It is right that WC downloads are counted for the Top Skins listings, but I think it defeats the purpose of the site ( which I would think is to lead folks to interest in Stardock products) to hide from view other work that is not rated above 8 when that is derived from solely from those that happened to be on line for those first few days. But hey, such is life in the big city!
on Apr 09, 2006
Peoples tastes vary so much that it is inane to get hung up on the ratings system here. The only area where I do think there is need for a change is the structure that only allows non members to see work rated 8 or higher. For those who say to pay more attention to the download count, well it won't be much if the work is rated below 8 and can't be seen by the general public. It is right that WC downloads are counted for the Top Skins listings, but I think it defeats the purpose of the site ( which I would think is to lead folks to interest in Stardock products) to hide from view other work that is not rated above 8 when that is derived from solely from those that happened to be on line for those first few days. But hey, such is life in the big city!
on Apr 09, 2006
Personally I have trouble believing in some "political" conspiracy to regulate ratings.

A great wallpaper takes skill to create, don't get me wrong. But you can't really compare the ratings on windowblinds to wallpapers. Wallpapers can easily be seen for what they are. Indeed, are probably the only thing you don't need to download to rate knowledgably. A good windowblind, though, will give you much more than any screenshot, in animations, mouse-overs, and compatability with one's particular style, and so on. This helps explain why seasoned Windowblinds creators get higher ratings--their work is better in a real sense through their experience and detailed knowledge.

Ratings are useful and interesting, I feel. They serve a purpose in ensuring the best is shown to casual visitors. And they can, if given a chance to even out, give some feedback to creators.

The biggest problem with ratings is that not enough people do it. You saw a "drastic" change, but only four ratings were involved. Just guessing that the wall had about 100 downloads when it was pulled suggests that about 1 in 25 downloaders rated it. Few skins will get enough DLs for a 1 in 25 sample to be fairly representative. The catch is, usually you want someone to try out your skin before rating. And if they do that they have to come back to rate. Which they will do only if they really like or dislike the skin--which can mean widely varying scores that will sway the overall. Which is exacerbated again by too few ratings.

Also, there may be a lot of selective memory in these ratings complaints. No one posts a thread: "Quitting because my rating went from 2/10 to 6/10 in twenty minutes!"
on Apr 09, 2006
My guess is that the ones who complain about the low ratings of their skins aren't looking for constructive coments to guide them and help them make better skins. They are just looking for a ton of "Awesome","Amazing as always", "Great work as usual" type of comments. "In my opinion".

i really think you wouldnt know that this is really untrue unless you make your own wallpaper from scratch. People who get even fair grades in wallpaper as compare to others are because of the experience and ideas they had from many constructive comments they recieved..and believe it or not, I would rather be glad if people would put their comments first no matter how negative they are in order for us to adjust our work according to your taste.(you believe it or not) and adjust some problems...."you should try that to some of my work sometimes"...and I know many people here who are concern with encouragments and improvements have done that to many of my can try check it if you like...and leave your first constructive comment in any of it.

Thank you very much RomanDA for that very constructive solution. People should read your comment and you are the only one I think who has been so open minded about this problem and really offered a clear solution. Thanks a lot for that view. Very insighting indeed.

on Apr 09, 2006
"I really put a big deal on the Moderators ratings"

I have to admit that at one time I felt the same way. However, I've noticed that many times, though not with all moderators, they will just automatically rate all skins a 6 no matter the quality or content. I'm not saying all, but I know there are some moderators who do that. Which leaves it up to the visiters, members, and subscribers to rate accordingly.
on Apr 09, 2006
oh yeah...I just want to point out the rating and comment system in where the name of the person rating and the comments are shown together with their rates. I know many people here have some issues with that site, and honestly I had mine once, but at least the rating system is very effecient and the people there do constructive criticisms because they know they are being watched. Those things would do great in this site...dont you think?..just an idea.
on Apr 09, 2006

and the people there do constructive criticisms because they know they are being watched.

To be fair, was legendary for it's asinine commenting/wit, years before even began.  Things 'may' have improved more recently but I wouldn't count on it too much...

People are being 'watched' here, too.  It's still the number one reason for people being removed from the site.   That goes for poor rating conduct as well as poor commenting 'conduct'.....

on Apr 09, 2006
sorry Jafo...i dont want to be so stubborn here hehe...but unless maybe you have a system to remind everyone that they are always being watched, people would still do their reckless ratings on many works here,in fact sometimes I also tend to do it as immature as I am but at last I had my own deal now with that immaturity ....and that is not really very encouraging at all. Ratings should be more responsible here, we need discipline not only coming from ourselves but it would not be bad if the community would help push a little discipline in us, I am just asking for a little deal on that. Thanks again for taking your time on this.
on Apr 09, 2006
.I just want to point out the rating and comment system in where the name of the person rating and the comments are shown together with their rates.

Ya know..whether or not the site mentioned "sucks" or not ya gotta admit..thats a pretty cool idea...but this *has been mentioned over & over and over..LoL
Maybe they got the idea from here..LoL!

Ah well... just thought to "2cnd" the motion again,,and again..and...

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